OSTON declares, “To all the mansplainers and big complainers, I think u should leave”.

Written by: Jodi Vuong

“The moral of the story for this guy is – and always will be – sorry dude, just don’t be a dick :).” – OSTON


We’ve all had an experience with that one guy who thinks he’s all that. The guy who gets a kick out of bringing people down. The guy who thinks the world revolves around him. OSTON puts her foot down and calls this person out in her second 2021 single, “I Think You Should Leave.”

This song is, in a word, anthemic. Strong, reverberant bass and synth parts resonate deep within the listener, empowering both OSTON and the listener in a fortifying stance. These two components also provide a solid foundation for the singer’s powerful vocals. The track is further driven by a fresh percussion line, tying things together in a crisp fashion. She tops everything off with perfectly layered harmonies, creating a sound that truly engulfs the listener.

“I Think You Should Leave” was born out of a session between OSTON and her long-time collaborator Drew Polovick, in which they laughed about how great it would feel to call out the people who think they’re the sole star of the show. On her Instagram announcement of the song, she addresses it “to all the mansplainers and big complainers.” The singer leaves no room for sugarcoating, with lyrics such as “you get a kick out of being such an ass” and “keep acting a fool like that, you’re gonna be super lonely.”

You can’t help but sing along to this lighthearted but powerful anthem, and rightfully so! If you haven’t done so already, stream “I Think You Should Leave” here

For more OSTON content, keep an eye out for the song’s supporting visualizer, premiering on April 14, as well as her highly-anticipated sophomore EP, “Am I Talking Too Much?,” expected in the near future.

Connect with OSTON: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube


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