Monti Korbelle Releases His Debut Album.

Written by: Sarah Evangelista


Usually when an artist is trying to find their own voice, it takes them a while - it’s only normal to take your time on deciding whether something sounds like you or not. It took Monti Korbelle four years to discover his own sound, and along the way there were some negative comments and criticism towards his music, like a lot of other musicians receive, but he took it as advice and found his unique voice in the music industry. In the beginning of his career, he was making music for fun, and to make his friends laugh, but then released a mixtape a few years later, and like I said before, while having a little bit of rough criticism along the way, but then eventually posted songs that he was fully proud of.

After releasing one single in the beginning of the year, titled “Billionaire Kylie Jenner”, the Milwaukee based artist decided to debut a full length album this past Friday. Global Carbon Tax Economy features fifteen tunes counting a few interludes and an outro, the project speaks of today’s society and the not so great aspects of it, you could look at it as Korbelle’s way of calling out to people for help. Further explained, on his website, it says ‘it begins with commercial space travel. The elite among the stars. Next thing you know, we'll be left behind. The upper-class had moved to Mars.’, which could be something to wrap your brain around for a bit.

In the end, while I’m personally not quite of a fan of rap music, Monti Korbelle’s project wasn’t a pain to listen to, it was easy going enough for a non-rap listener to enjoy too, which could be tough to accomplish, but was accomplished by this musician. The artist spoke the truth about what was on his mind and it totally deserves a listen - check it out on Spotify below.

Connect with Monti Korbelle: Website|Instagram


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