Max Leone Talks Debut EP ‘Malleable’.

Written by: Sarah Evangelista


If you haven’t heard of Max Leone yet, you’ve honestly been missing out. The anti-pop artist from Portland has been gearing up to release his debut EP, which is out now, and it’s absolutely incredible.

Malleable has been in the works for years, and now it’s finally out into the world. Consisting of nine tracks, four of which were released previously, it’s a beautiful way of introducing Max as an artist.

“Over the course of the project being created, I changed a lot as a person, and I think the project reflects those changes. That’s why I wanted to call it Malleable - especially during the past year, people have realized lots of things about themselves. I think the music reflects those changes and the spectrum and themes. At its core, it does represent me and how I’ve changed as well.”

Max Leone is definitely one to watch in 2021. His sound is unlike anyone else’s, and it’ll just blow you away at a first listen.

Don’t believe me? Take a listen for yourself:

Connect with Max Leone: Instagram|Twitter


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