Lydia Kennie Releases “Come Back To Me”.

Written by: Julianne Gutierrez

Are looking for that perfect song to listen to, in your headphones, while you stare out the window pretending you’re in a movie? Well, we may have just the right song to be your next soundtrack. Indie-Pop Singer/Songwriter, Lydia Kennie, just released her fourth single since joining the music scene in February of this year. Her newest track entitled “Come Back To Me,” gives the listener a sentimental longing or affection for past relationships and experiences. It showcases the raw emotion when going through life-changes, especially ones involving a love interest.

Although it’s clear that this song describes a relationship that has fallen apart, it recounts their time together with happy associations for what it was. By the end of the song, the listener is left with a story that has no definitive ending, but the opportunity to imagine how the narrative will play out.

When describing the creative process, Lydia Kennie states, “I wrote this song while sitting on a subway home from work about two years ago. I had just graduated, moved to New York City and was really going through some growing pains with

my boyfriend. I remember it was the 6 train so probably a 10-minute ride when it all just came out into the note app on my phone.” She goes on to say, “I’ll be completely stuck on a specific idea in my head, then it will all come out on the page and I’ll record the melody in a voice memo before I forget it.” When asked if this song was written from personal experience or outside inspiration, she responded, “Totally personal experience. In this case, some specific and literal stuff that I couldn’t help but include, even though others probably can’t relate directly.”

The lyrics “my room shakes when the subway runs underneath,” was not for lyrical effect, but literal experiences that led to the development of this song. Songs, like this one, are special in that they allow the listener to put themselves in the singer’s shoes and feel the same emotions, even if their experiences are not in common. Do yourself a favor and go right ahead and hit the repeat loop button since this track is released; the 2 minutes and 42 seconds just will not be enough.

Don’t worry though, Lydia Kennie is just getting started on her musical journey and plans to continue releasing music. “I have another single in the works, slated to come out in early July. I am also working on a few other projects that will make up my first EP, which I hope will be ready toward the end of this summer,” she says. In her next steps, she hopes to

collaborate with other artists and continue to develop her skills as a songwriter across different genres because as she says, “the writing has always been where my heart is.” “Come Back To Me” is out on all streaming platforms, and it will not disappoint.

Connect with Lydia Kennie: Instagram|Twitter


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