Interview with Sean Kennedy.

Interviewed by: Sarah Evangelista


What’s your fondest musical memory?

My favorite musical memory was the release of my debut album. There was so much that led up to that moment, six years of hard work, and so much suspense. I really had no clue what would happen with the record, and was so pleasantly surprised at how well it was received.

You’re still in high school, while having a music career, how do you juggle both of those things at the same time?

Juggling the two is very hard. I try to fit in music at any free moment that I have. After the release of my last album, I planned to take a break because it's a lot of work. Then when quarantine hit, I had all this free time and I started recording again. The process of this song happened really unknowingly.

What was the creative process like for “Regret”?

"Regret" was a song I initially wrote in October 2019. I didn't think it fit the record I was working on at that point, so I stored it away for a future album. When lockdown happened, it was one of the first songs I picked up to finish, because I knew it could be a really great song that many people could resonate with.

Do you feel as if your music has evolved since your songs in 2018, compared to now?

Yes! I think my music has even evolved since my last album just a year ago. I've been able to refine my sound a lot, and make something cohesive. With the first record, I had a lot of different sounds I wanted to try out. With this song, I had a clear vision for what I wanted it to sound like.

Could we expect another project soon?

Yes! I'm currently wrapping up my third album. As I said before, this wasn't something that was planned, but I'm so happy it ended up this way. It's going to come out sometime mid spring, and I think it's some of my best work yet. I'm so excited for everyone to hear it.

Our music website focuses on up and coming artists, do you have any favorites you want to share?

I follow this girl on instagram named Tayla Rees. She has a few songs out and she's really talented; I really like her music. 

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