Interview with Jerrica Alyssa.

Interviewed by: Sarah Evangelista


What’s your fondest musical memory?

Wow you are starting off with a tough one to pick. OK, I’ve got one recent one for you.  After I moved to Nashville and I started a whole new way of writing plus learning production, we released “Over It.”  The song is very much a part of my Filipina love of ballads and it felt good, as a place to start, to introduce my songwriting/recording artist self.  The reaction that came back was really sweet; so many people were happy to hear me express myself in such a personal way.  At that moment the light came on for me “I can do this and be true to myself.”

You have so many different musical influences, how do you feel they’ve inspired you to make your own music?

Writing, producing and performing, my process for making music is totally inspired by all of the greats that have come before me.  That's the stuff that grounds me, but I will be honest to say current artists all around me get me going too, on a daily basis.  I just take all of these influences to my studio and begin each new idea with what feels right for me.  My chops, my feels, my unique vibe.  This process seems to get more defined a bit at a time,  in groups of songs.  It's all a wonderful journey and I already see that my sophomore EP is going to evolve to be different than my freshman EP.

You’re about to release “Feelin’ New”, how are you feeling?

I love this song, it’s got a groove for sure!  I’m so thankful it is well received by my team and I sure hope it will help people get their dance moves on.  It’s time for all of us to literally feel new and different than where we have been coming from lately. 

Do you feel as if your sound has evolved between “Feelin’ New” and your past releases?

Doing a dance song like “Feelin New'' with soul disco vibes was a fun departure for me.  But yes, I feel my sound is evolving in a steady positive direction, even when the songs come from different places. I now have a clearer vision of pop perfection when it is appropriate and emotional perfection when I’m driven to let go.  It’s two different things but it is still me.

What’s coming next? Could we expect a full length project?

My freshman EP drops April 23rd and we have already started on my sophomore EP.  

Our music website focuses on up and coming artists, do you have any favourites at the moment? 

There are so many incredible up and coming artists that inspire me.  To name a few at the moment are Pink Sweat$, Bren Joy and Adeline.  

Connect with Jerrica Alyssa: Instagram|Twitter|Facebook|TikTok


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