Andria Piperni Releases ‘‘Settle’’.

Written by: Marco Belotti


“Settle” is the latest amazing groovin/jazz/soul last single by Andria Piperni, an alternative R&B singer from Montreal. The song, that’s been released on February 25th, is one of six songs off of her debut EP Who’s Counting?, that’s going to be released this spring.

“Settle”, produced and mixed by Chris Vincent, is a song that talks about the theme of awakening that reflects the general mood of 2020, a period in which we’ve been forced to face truths like never before.

I can really feel the R&B vibes from her great voice and the instrumental part since the beginning of the song.

In my opinion, one of the best qualities of Andria is surely the storytelling, especially in this song, mixed with the power and the groove of the instrumental part, sends lots of emotions to the listeners. In this song she’s able to attract listeners with chill and romantic vibes, but also to leave us all, at the end, with the heart-breaking question that is repeated during the chorus: ‘could we be better?’

Yes, we could.

Connect with Andria Piperni: Instagram|Twitter|Facebook


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