The Foxies Release “I Don’t Wanna Want It”.

Written by: Sarah Evangelista

Nashville based trio The Foxies just released their new single “I Don’t Wanna Want It”. This is their fourth instalment towards their upcoming album, Who Are You Now, Who Were You Then? releasing on September 23rd.

"This feels cheesy, but we're always looking for something that we probably don't need. It's a dark place when that thing that's bad for you is the person you love. I don't think anyone has a full proof system for making it out of that place, but it can consume you for days at a time, if not months or years. I don't know why this song came out so upbeat and driving for a lyric that's such a bummer, but I'm glad it did. I think for Julia and me, writing this song was cathartic because we both were dealing with people we cared for deeply, but maybe didn't show it back to us. It felt easier, and way more worth it to head bang and scream a little bit rather than actually calling up that toxic person and screaming at them."

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