Peter Manos Speaks About Collaborating with Kindness [Q&A].

Interviewed by: Sarah Evangelista

Photo: Alex Tan

Photo: Alex Tan

As if Do You Turn Red? wasn’t perfect enough, Peter Manos teamed up with Kindness, to make the reimagined version of the project. Because of the world we’re living in at the moment, the Los Angeles based singer/songwriter and the GRAMMY winning artist worked on the album remotely.

We got the opportunity to ask Peter some questions about the project, and more.

I know growing up, you basically tried any hobby possible before fully getting into music. What brought you to finally start making music?

I started playing the guitar in elementary school and stuck with that and I didn’t start writing songs until I was a senior in high school. Once I started, that’s when I started to connect with making music.

Luckily, your family has been super supportive of you and your music, and they’re also super creative individuals as well. Did their passion and creativity make it easier for you and your musical journey?

Absolutely because when your parents are understanding of what it’s like to chase your dreams and pursue any sort of art faset then it’s so much easier to feel supported in chasing my dreams.

You’ve mentioned how you’re a perfectionist with your music, I’m pretty sure you’ve been like this your whole life. Have you ever given up on a song because you couldn’t get it “perfect enough”?

I don’t think I’ve ever given up on a song, I’m not the type of person who gives up when it's not “perfect enough.” I just drive myself insane until it’s right haha nothing is actually perfect.

Have you ever almost gotten to that point, but then someone helped you realize it didn’t need to be as perfect as you thought it had to? Who are those people in your life, that you trust with your unfinished works of art?

To continue my answer above, I don’t always persevere through each idea by my own will. I always have one or two people I trust who are helping me and

pushing me. I usually ask for their opinion and go from there.

Do You Turn Red? Is absolutely beautiful. The storytelling is also insane. Because you’re such a perfectionist with your work, tell me more about the contrast between the red and blue?

Great question, most of the messaging around this project is blue (or sad) but Do You Turn Red? Is about the little moments of relief and happiness.

You worked with Kindness on the reimagined EP, what was it like working with them during this fun stay at home time we’re currently in?

It was amazing and working with them was such an unique and special experience because they are someone who I respect more than almost anyone. And seeing their process and genius throughout this project is something I’ll never forget.

Being someone who likes having creative control with your art, was it hard to collaborate with someone else on the project? If so, how did you overcome that obstacle?

In some way, it was hard because it was my first time collaborating with another artist, but at the same time it was really easy because I am such a big fan of Kindness.


I mean, you’re killing it. It’s almost selfish to ask for more, but is there new music on the horizon?

Yes there’s new music on the horizon - sooner than you think!

If you could play a show on any planet, which one would it be and why?

Earth, is that a boring answer?

You must discover so many yet to be known artists and bands, so which

artists you have your eyes on at the moment?

I love Skull Crusher and Elliott Skinner.

Connect with Peter Manos: Instagram|Twitter


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