June Body Ends off Their Short Tour With a Smash. [Q&A]

Interviewed by: Sarah Evangelista

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After releasing two albums and a single, June Body has their found their sound. The indie/rock trio from Nova Scotia has travelled across Ontario for their three stop tour, and is now stoping in Montreal for the last tour date. I got the opportunity to talk with the band about tour and music - read below.

Could you all introduce yourselves and your roles in the band?

June Body is Connor James on guitar and lead vocals, Alex Callaghan on bass and backing vocals, and Jonny Renken on drums.

You’re currently on tour across Ontario and Quebec, how’s it been so far?

This tour is just a quick 3-show run through Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal. The shows have been incredible so far. The energy of the crowds has been as high as ever, which feeds our performances. People seem really engaged with what we're doing, and that's a good feeling for an up-and-coming band like us. The shorter tour means we could focus our attention on making each show as good as is can be. When it comes to DIY tours, you can spread yourself a little thin with organizing a lot of shows yourself.

I believe it’s your third time performing in Montreal during this tour, what keeps on making you want to play here again?

This is in fact our third time touring through Montreal. We have such fond memories of the city growing up. You'd go to shows, experience the vibrance of the city and its cultural identity and dream of playing in the city some day. You can really sense that the city is teeming with artistic energy, so being a part of that, even for a night, is special for us.

What are your setlists looking like? Old and new songs?

We've been writing a new album over the past couple months, so we're working in new material every night. You can expect to hear a few new songs in the mix!

The band started in 2017, do you think June Body’s sound has evolved just from the past two years?

Our sound has evolved immensely since our humble beginnings as a lo-fi bedroom recording project in 2017. Our sound is bigger and punchier, and we use this new sound to present our old songs in a new light. We're much tighter on stage now, and it really feels like we're just letting loose and having fun. Our performances are definitely more lively. We're trying to see what new antics we can come up with.

Lastly, what’s your favourite June Body song?

"Dead Eyes are No Prize" off of our most recent EP Life from Underneath really stands out for us. It represents the instrumentally richer, darker shift in our sound quite well, and lyrically it's something that really glaringly reflects the most prominent themes on that album. "Hospital Bed Clothes" off of our first record is something we're proud of too, and seems to get a very good response from audiences when we perform it. It's a slower track, which is a nice break in our set from our now generally rock-focused setlist.

You can catch June Body at their Montreal show tonight, and trust me, you won’t want to miss this one!

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