Interview with Jesse Minna.
Interviewed by: Sarah Evangelista
Hailing from Montreal, Jesse Minna recently released his debut single,“Miss Lonely”. He’s also in a quartet by the name of SILOS, and is now experimenting with his solo career. Read our chat with him below.
Hey Jesse! It’s been a while since we last spoke, how have you been?
Ahoy Sarah! I've never been worse. Thanks for asking! Just kidding. Been pretty busy working during these crazy times. Fun fact, been spending way too much time alone I finally realized that I’m annoying. But at least I keep myself entertained.
You recently released your debut single, “Miss Lonely”, how does it feel for it to be out into the world?
“Miss Lonely” was my first demo I put on YouTube and I had produced everything myself so hearing it fully re-done and having it available everywhere feels nice. I got to work with a great team to really get the most out of it. I love the quality of the track. Hopefully others feel the same!
Could you speak more about what the song is about?
Tis but an homage to the modern dating phenomenon; Swiping to find a hookup. “Miss Lonely” is a woman who seems to find a match every week unbeknownst to her that a soulmate might literally be close to her. I don't know, it's written to be particularly cheesy. From the chorus melody to the romantically inspired lyrics. I guess it's open to interpretation? Haha but when I say ‘sweep you off your feet’ it could be ‘swipe you off your feet’? Sounds terrible though.
You’re also in a band called SILOS, what are your favourite things about being in a group and being a solo artist?
Ah SILOS. My gloomsquad. It's really different being a solo act and playing guitar for a band. When writing for SILOS I don't hear myself singing. I imagine the talented Bayrem Lahmer singing over whatever riff I write. And the music is catered to fit his particular voice. So writing for myself is definitely harder because I kept hearing his damn voice over my songs. The boys and I respect each other’s passions and they're happy for me.
Which things are harder to do alone rather than in a band?
I would never be a solo act if it weren't for SILOS' bassist Jeremy Lapointe who convinced me to just go for it and he sent a record label (father and son's) my demos. Next thing you know I’m a signed musician with a whole friggin team and an amazing producer. So I owe Jay alot. He took me out of my comfort zone and it's been great. I asked him to manage me and this Jesse Minna project and he delightfully agreed. So I'm not doing this alone per say. I have a great team and we're working hard to developing something great. Much love to the boys at father and son's! Also much harder to finish a 24 case of beer alone.
What’s one of your goals for this year as a solo artist?
I have a few goals actually. I'd like to release an album or EP. Wtv works. There's no shows happening so there's all the time in the world to write music. I'd like to write a song for my gf of 7 years. Can you imagine writing dozens of songs and not one of them about your gf. I can tell she's losing patience so hopefully one pops up for her! Lastly, I'd like to establish a small following so that all these releases can get into some ears.
What could we expect next? Is an EP in the works?
I'll love for you to expect the unexpected. I like winging it. But yes definitely an EP or a bunch of singles. I love doing improv songs which is basically on the spot song writing and posting it online. Sometimes it's terrible but it's really fun and great practice. I recommend it to any songwriter!
Our website is all about up and coming artists, are there any you have your eyes on at the moment?
First of all, I've been followinging t_me since it started and I'm so proud of your accomplishments. You really are the backbone of the industry and I speak for everyone when I say you are appreciated. There's some Montreal acts really killing these days. Ivytide is basically on fire and the flame isn't going anywhere. Those guys are great and genuinely nice people. Also the fabulously fab November who is up and coming with his debut EP Bedroom Eyes. Again genuinely nice person. Haha I think if your character is good it reflects in your music. So good job guys.