Interview with The Horn.

Interviewed by Laury Verdoux

Indie-rock band The Horn has been actively releasing music every other month lately - for our greatest pleasure! Following the release of their new single “Another Way” we got to chat with them about the band, their inspirations and artistry.

A huge thanks to Jonny from The Horn who took the time to answer our questions.

Who are the members of The Horn and your roles within the band? How do your individual contributions come together to create The Horn's unique sound?

(Jonny - vocals, Nick - bass, Danny - lead guitar, Alex - drums, Ed - keys) Myself, Danny and Nick write and arrange the songs in Baker St together and Danny has great engineering skills so we make the most of that in the early demo stages.

Can you tell us about your new release 'Another Way' and what inspired the song?

I filmed a video for another Horn song in a Mercedes in Soho. The car broke down, and as smoke poured from the radiator on Wardour st, I bumped into some friends on a night out. The next day I wanted to write a song that would make people dance. So “Another Way” was born.

How would you describe your musical style and what sets you apart from other indie-rock bands?

We sound persistent and dreamy at the same time. I guess we differ from other bands because some of Nick’s lyrics and melodies are from the 80s, so some of the tracks are like time capsules. I ponce around onstage a lot so I guess our energy at live shows stands out a little.

The press release mentions that The Horn's rise has been defined by an unfiltered combination of attitude, ambition, and a middle finger to authority. Can you elaborate on the band's ethos and how it comes across in your music?

I think the press release gets it right there. You’d have to come to a show to get more!

Ageism is mentioned as an issue in the music industry and you aim to prove that age is just a number. Can you tell us more about the band's perspective on this topic and how it's reflected in your music?

Nick is older than us but we’ve never thought about it until the media pointed it out. He loves writing and performing music and we love that passion in him. It’s why this project started in the first place. Age has nothing to do with it.

What's coming next?

We’ve been in Rak and Strongroom studios with producer Danton Supple (Coldplay, Brian Eno) so there’s another record coming...

Connect with The Horn: Instagram


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