Matthew Chaim Explores the Thought of Death With His Newest Single.

Written by: Sarah Evangelista


Matthew Chaim isn’t a new name to appear on The Music Enthusiast, and there’s definitely a good reason why he keeps on appearing here. Chaim’s music is the perfect mix of indie-pop, R&B, and electro. Reason being that Chaim has many musical inspirations from many different genres; Nirvana, Tame Impala, and Bon Iver, just to name a few. The Montreal based artist has released two albums plus many singles in the past two years, and he just released a new track, which focuses on the concept of death throughout life.

In a word, "Form" is about death.” Matthew explains. “Not just the death that comes at the end of life. But rather the death we face all the time. As human beings, we are constantly moving between form and formlessness. Every night, we let ourselves fall into the death-like unconsciousness of sleep. Even when we’re awake, our bodies’ particles are constantly renewing themselves so that we physically take on new form billions of times a day. And as we grow up, old values die out and new ones are born in their place. With Form, I wanted to dip into this eternal dance between form and formlessness, and get at some of the comforting truths I’ve learnt about this dance. I know that no matter what we do in this life, from the point of view of our formless nature, 'a million years from now, [we’re] still ok'.’

“Form” takes a not-so blissful theme and turns it into a piece of art. The song starts off simple with a sound that repeats itself throughout the three minutes, and then builds up to the powerful chorus. Also, had to mention that Chaim’s soothing voice blends perfectly with the beat of the song, and he never fails to release a good tune.

The artist has always made music about topics that aren’t necessarily easy to digest, like death, mourning, and heartbreak, but then he makes it into something beautiful that we could all relate to in our own ways, and his newest single continues to prove that statement. Keep an eye out for more singles being released by Chaim all throughout the summer.

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