Featurette Speaks About Finding Yourself With Their New Album.


After a few years of creating new music and releasing some too, the Toronto based duo by the name of Featurette has recently released their sophomore album, titled Dream Riot, which could be described as an album that ‘features dark stories sugar coated in bubble gum beats that speaks about the society that we’ve created, and the problems we face within it daily’. The electro/indie/pop group made up of Lexie Jay and Jon Fedorsen have gone on tour with fellow Canadian acts such as Scott Helman, For Esmé, and Monowhales, and now it’s their time to shine with the release of their newest full-length project.

Here’s my track-by-track review of it.

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“Won’t Love You”

Usually, you don’t necessarily expect a full-length album to start off with a really thunderous tune, but the duo managed to do just that - and killed it. With the meaning of being done with a lover that has been playing games with you, “Won’t Love You” is at the point of realization where you’re officially unattracted to the person. They topped it all off with some chops of synth, and indomitable lyrics, which kept me wanting more.

“Million Things”

Being the first released single from the project, “Million Things” is an incredibly catchy tune. The song was even introduced with a unique music video, featuring a ton of flowers, dancing cats, and just about everything else you can imagine. Being the fun song that is already is, “Million Things” got a ton of radio play, from local stations like Indie 88. After the release of it in the summer, fans of the duo automatically fell in love with the 3-minute tune, and only got them more anticipated about their new album.

“The Blame”

This song is super personal for the lead singer of the group, Lexie. It’s her standing up for herself after a traumatic event in her life, she’s not going to take the blame anymore. While it’s obviously a very empowering track, just like the rest of the album, “The Blame” will especially make you feel like you’re on top of the world and no one could get you down.

“Burn It Down”

Speaking of dealing with tough times, “Burn It Down” tells everyone that they’re never alone no matter what. Also, usually when artists want to write about topics like this one, they lean more towards slower songs, but Featurette turned to more of a hard-hitting beat and rhythm, which just made the song even better, honestly.


This one starts off with a super cool and repetitive synth drum like beat, covered with the beautiful vocals of Lexie. “Firefly” is a relationship tune, about being blind to the most obvious things in the stages, with a lyric like ‘gotta break up, so we wake up’, it will really make you second guess the current relationship you’re in, and if it’s the right one.

“On My Own”

After all the sad subjects in the past songs, “On My Own” is about succeeding in what you want, no matter the subject. Whether it’s love, your passion, or even just a simple everyday chore, you have to work for it to get it, even if you have to work for it alone. During the whole 3 minutes, you could hear some escalating electro beats, inspiring lyrics, and powerful vocals that are just trying to prove one point to you: get out of bed, get off your phone, and work for what you want!

“White Rabbit”

It would only make sense to place the third released single, third to last. “White Rabbit” is quite different from the rest of the tunes off of Dream Riot, because it has electro sounds that sound like they could be from a video game, all throughout the song. Then, later during the bridge, Featurette added so many layers of ear pleasing beats, that just more so proves how awesome this single actually is. But what was the most shocking to me about this song, was that, instead of ending it in the middle of the chorus’ beat, the song ends with a super dreamy riff from Lexie.

“Don’t Know Me Without You”

The second to last jam off of the album is obviously titled “Don’t Know Me Without You”, which was also the second single released from it. The incredibly catchy single speaks about learning to live with our dark side, and learning to deal with it in the best way possible. The chorus has no full lyrics, no full singing, but just choppy beats and Lexie’s voice chopped up, and then ends in an electro/pop marching band like beat that just adds to how creative this album is.

“You Do You”

Oddly enough, this song is my favourite off Dream Riot, reason being that it was inspired by me! Personally, I feel like ending the album with this track was the best decision, reason being that it’s so empowering. The title speaks for the meaning, but it’s about being yourself and embracing it, no matter what anyone says - you’re living for yourself and ignoring the negativity. Plus, it’s a super catchy song, so it will get stuck in your head, along with the meaning of it - just so you don’t forget.

Only by being Featurette’s sophomore album, it’s safe to say that they’re killing the electro/pop game, by doing things their own way. Dream Riot is a beautifully violent way of expressing how you feel.

Connect with Featurette: Website | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

Catch Featurette on tour in Western Canada, get tickets here.

February 28 2020: Nanaimo, BC @ The Queens (with Blonde Diamond)

February 29 2020: Victoria, BC @ The Rubber Boat (with Blonde Diamond)

March 3 2020: Vancouver, BC @ The Roxy (with Elle Wolf)

March 6 2020: Calgary, AB @ The Palomino (with Blonde Diamond)

March 7 2020: Edmonton, AB @ The Aviary (with Blonde Diamond)


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