Cristy & Her Lover’s Releases Their Debut EP.

Written by: Marco Belotti


Cool, whatever is Cristy & Her Lover’s debut EP.

The Ep, that’s been released on February 13th, is as said, the first EP from the band captained by Cristy Alover, the amazing soul voice of the band (that’s composed by 8 talented musicians met during a study abroad in Spain).

The lyrics of the songs, written by Cristy (born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela) are characterized by an honest and direct songwriting, she’s not afraid to say what she thinks. Really, listen to the first song of the EP “Oh Fuck” and you’ll believe me.

The EP is an unique combination of various musical influences that Cristy has absorbed during years of touring through USA, Europe and Latin America with a background of sounds that reminds me of Sangria based parties in Spain.

I love it, especially the last song, “Closure”, that’s is a masterclass of how to end an EP. Great song!

Connect with Cristy & Her Lovers: Instagram


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